My Experience with Flow Hive

My name is Lars and I’m excited to share my experience with Flow Hive. I am a Flow Certified Ambassador, a member of the board of Vejle Beekeeper Association and have been a beekeeper since 2021. At home, we exclusively use Flow Hives, so that’s the experience I’m trying to share.

If you’re not familiar with Flow Hive, it’s an exciting invention in beekeeping that makes it easier and less invasive to harvest honey from your bees.

What is it?

Flow Hive is essentially a beehive, where the honey super is just different. One of the things I love the most about it is how easy it is to use when it comes to harvesting honey. You don’t have to wear a bee suit, use a bee smoker, or smoke out the bees (and risk honey with a smoky flavor 😉) to harvest the honey. Instead, you simply turn a long key and the honey flows out of the hive and into a jar, a bucket, or whatever you prefer (I personally use a bucket). It’s that simple and effective.

Another advantage of Flow Hive is that it reduces disturbance to the bees. Traditional methods of honey harvesting can be stressful for the bees, but when you tap the honey from the Flow Hive, the bees can stay put and continue their work as if nothing happened.

And, at least in my opinion, it’s a super nice-looking beehive to have in the garden. The window on the side is a nice little gimmick that makes it super exciting for kids to see what the bees are up to. Without the risk of getting stung 😅

How to become a beekeeper

To succeed with Flow Hive (or any other beehive), I recommend doing research and learning as much as possible about beekeeping. There are plenty of resources available online and in your local area. And of course, you should make sure to follow best practices for beekeeping and respect the bees and their environment. And even though Flow Hive makes honey harvesting easy, it still requires you to keep an eye on and take care of your bees like any other beekeeper.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below 😊

2 thoughts on “My Experience with Flow Hive

  1. Ale

    Hi Lars, thanks for sharing your experience with Flow Hive. I have been considering starting beekeeping for some time now and I heard multiple positive feedback on this system.
    Are you from Vejle? Would you be able to recommend a beekeeper or beekeeping group that I could contact to get started?
    Many thanks 👍


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